Saturday, January 8, 2011

Turnips, eggs rule at January farmers' market

I'm just back from the Western Wake Farmers' Market, watching the snow come down outside as I write this. Even after heavy snow starting Christmas night, the stalwart farmers who come to the winter market still had good selections. The slower winter markets are a great time to get to know your local farmers better.

I'm working on recipes with eggs and turnips, so you can see from the photo that I stocked up on each. The white "salad" turnips range in size from ping-pong to golf ball and are more tender than the larger turnips. I do like that purple band, though! The greens from both types of turnips are delicious.

Chickens lay fewer eggs in the fall and late winter, but start up again beginning with the winter solstice and peak in the spring. These free-range beauties were $4 a dozen.

I also got two types of organic sweet potatoes for $2 a pound, since I bought five pounds worth, and a small cabbage. Alas, no beets were available.

Lettuce, arugula, collards, various meat, and cheese was also available.

1 comment:

  1. My CSA delivered eggs, potatoes, romaine, and spinach this morning. I've been cooking all day. Using up collards, turnip greens, sweet potatoes (sweet potato dinner rolls), rutabagas, turnips, etc. Made me a lovely winter root & greens veggie soup! YUM! He arrived just in time for me to have fresh eggs for b'fast! Now that's service!

    Don't ya just love the local farmers & their goods!
